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As Coronavirus has spread around the world, life has been changed for all. People are scared, running out of money, and doing their best to make it through the current chaos. Besides Coronavirus’s obvious effect on health, it is having significant ripple effects. Many have realized that these effects are similar to those that’ll be caused by climate change. What can we learn from our current pandemic to help us in the battle against climate change?
Prevention is always better than intervention. Many have realized that the current global coronavirus situation would’ve been much better if proper precautions were taken beforehand. This is similar to climate change. We need to try and alter our actions now in order to reduce future suffering. In addition, we already need to plan to deal with issues caused by climate change due to the amount of warming that has already occurred. Climate change prevention can look like refurbishing old buildings to meet new green standards or changing our communal and individual habits.
Many of the actions being used to prevent the spread of Coronavirus can be used in the battle against climate change. In recent weeks, most job operations have been changed so they can be done from home. More people working from home significantly reduce emissions related to travel. Global governments and multinational organizations have collaborated like never seen before. This same type of teamwork will be needed to tackle climate change.
The rebuilding done after Coronavirus offers many markets the opportunity to become better equipped to deal with climate change. Many will need jobs once social distancing ends and there will be surely a large group of companies ready to hit the ground running. Moving forward, efforts to make future construction greener, job benefits more comprehensive, and social welfare more accessible to those that need it should be done. Coronavirus shouldn’t be something that we simply dismiss once it’s gone. Our rebuild needs to be one that prepares us for the future challenges we’ll all face together. Jon Physis to make the world more resilient.
Addressing climate change post-coronavirus