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The acronym ESG is constantly thrown around in regards to the creation of investing methodologies that are both sustainable but fit within traditional financial practices. So, what exactly is ESG investing?
ESG investing is when investors acknowledge the broad impact of their investments on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. ESG criteria help to better determine the future financial performance of the investment and more and more investors require that their investments include consideration of ESG analysis alongside financial analysis.
Sustainability goals are an important part of financial conversations of the future and successful ESG investing. The United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, endorsed by all 193 United Nations member states, various businesses, and civil society organizations, outlines the 17 most pressing goals currently facing humanity. Here is the link to this list U.N. Sustainability Goals.
The ESG framework incorporates the three P’s of “planet, people, and profit” without sacrificing long term profits. Companies that are considered ESG leaders are serious about maximizing business efficiency throughout its strategic and production plans. ESG leaders focus on producing without depleting and therefore promoting positive change wherever they operate. ESG companies are responsible, ethical and often increase their intangible assets, such as reputation, brand value, and legitimacy. In summary, ESG-investing has reshaped the standard market practices of the 21st century.