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Physis is an ancient Greek word that indicates “the world of life on our Earth.” Therefore, Physis Investment reinforces the idea that the company is committed to investing by respecting people and the planet. Physis helps you to invest in funds that provide competitive investment returns while creating long-lasting value for the environment and society.
We use the hashtag “#Physiser” in our social media posts because it perfectly summarizes who we are, what we do, and how we operate. #Physiser is a person who acts respecting everything that is alive on earth, people, animals, and nature.
#Physiser first started as a project to educate Harvard students about sustainable finance, but now it’s so much more! #Physiser is a global community of sustainability-minded people. Follow us on the platforms you use the most (Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) to be informed on how you can grow your wealth and also create a positive impact on the planet!
Why should you care, though? Because Sustainable Investing has been shown to improve financial return. In addition, it has the added benefit of being a concrete solution to fight environmental and social challenges worldwide. This is why we hope to see that the community of #Physiser continues to grow, and we’d love to see you join!!!